Black Box, FLL Book and Digital Drive

$132.95 each

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This is a complete kit that includes The “Black Box,” a complimentary copy of the Family Love Letter Booklet, as well as a copy of The Family Love Letter Digital Drive.

Install Instructions for Digital Drive

**New Computers with only USB-C drives may require a USB-C to USB adapter

1. Download and install the correct Adobe Air version (Windows or MacOS) at
2. Once installed, follow these instructions to install the Family Love Letter application based on your operating system.

For Windows users:
3. Insert the Family Love Letter thumb drive into your computer
4. Double click the Install_Family_Love_Letter.air file located on the thumb drive in the WINDOWS folder.
5. Follow the remaining install prompts

On a MAC:
3. Insert the Family Love Letter thumb drive into your computer
4. Double click the Install_Family_Love_Letter.air file located on the thumb drive in the MAC folder.
5. Follow the remaining install prompts

For more information, go to > click on Digital Drive under products

For assistance, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shipping will be delayed until we replenish our stock of digital drives.